Thursday, October 23, 2008

Review of P R Blogs...

When I began my search for Public Relations blogs, I wasn't sure what topic I'd explore within those blogs or how much it would relate to my Fortune 500 company. However, I quickly realized with my search that a blog about media relations and how the P R world is operating was great for me explore.

The link above is a great example of the uses of P R blogs. This blogger in particular talks about twitter (a social media outlet) taking over the corporate world with its social media and people buying into this social media frenzy. The key points were on what uses a company could get out of twitter if used properly and how companies can effectively benefit using twitter. He lists 6 useful rules to abide by:
1- Don't have your PR firm set up and be your Twitter account.
2- Don't follow everyone willy nilly.
3- Get Tweetdeck.
4- Be engaged. Be personable. Be responsive.
5- Be a person.
6- Twitter is not for everyone.
As you explore his concepts more in depth, individuals should began to have some understanding of the utility of twitter and for companies use. I agree that the PR firm should have people set up the account for you, because waiting on a message and having to get approval to respond isn't quick time responses and one wouldn't be fully utilizing its tools. Also, when following people, one should follow with purpose, not for number count. Be a person is the best advice that the blog offers. People like to be able to relate with others, companies with no face, bio, and or name to their account defeats the purpose of the social media, which results in ultimately no presence for the company.

This blog was surprising for me to see how wide spread social media has become for individuals. In my final P R classes that I'm currently finishing up before graduation this Dec 08, I've learned that the demand for a presence in social media networks is immense. It's almost as if people must be connected through some type of social media in order to operate a normal life. I find this P R blog to be beneficial to my fortune 500 company (Wachovia)in which I'm researching for my Corporate P R class. One, must note the change in it's current ownership, possibly something to do with the current state of the "economic crisis." More so, this blog is something Wachovia could utilize. For instance, ensuring that they have a personable presence on twitter and actively interacts with others in a timely manner could improve their image and how people view how much they live up to their purpose.

Furthermore, another blog that was eye catching was the blog post about how individuals and companies have become slaves to technology.
This blog elaborates on the things that could possibly help you out in the long-run when dealing with clients and using your media relations skills. There are 3 important factors:
1-Put away your keyboard; emphasizes are placed on putting away your key board and pick up the phone. You are able to have a conversation via telephone and it personalizes relationships more than e-mails
2-Call up a reporter and offer to meet for coffee or lunch; getting to know reporters and finding out what they would like to report on can bind networks.
3-Pick up the phone; again emphasis is placed on phone calls. People finalize via phone not texts or e-mail, but by phone.

Wachovia could utilize these tips and create a better relationship between themselves and their customers. During their current change of ownership the company could make their clients feel more comfortable by calling them and informing them of the new changes and ensuring them that their assets are still insured.

The most surprising thing about this blog is how emphasis is being placed on not taking advantage of the social media, but to utilize it. For instance, not using the Internet, however these days, it's important to use technology, but to be sure to stick to the old basics of connecting with people to stay personable.

Related Links: Public Relations

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